Hi. I might, maybe, possibly, get laid tomorrow. And it would be with a girl that’s promiscuous. Im not judging, but, she hasn’t been tested in a long time, maybe not ever. She says she always uses condoms, and I would of course use a condom, but I’m wondering what the risks are of catching an STD or STI from giving/recovering oral sex with a girl who’s been with a lot of guys?
I could insist she get tested but I don’t want her to go through the hassle of getting tested just for me.

  1. >She says she always uses condoms, and I would of course use a condom,

    Condoms *reduce* the risk of transmission. Studies vary widely in estimating how much, but you should probably think, 50%.

    >I’m wondering what the risks are of catching an STD or STI from giving/recovering oral sex with a girl

    Oral sex? Pert near zero.

    Before a lot of stupid people try to “correct” me:

    * *actual* STIs are called “STIs” because they are usually sexually transmitted. All the other disease you are thinking of are more likely to be convey by kissing than by oral sex — and so, condoms do nothing to reduce the chance of infection.
    * It is not unknown to contract chlamydia or gonorrhea from *performing* fellatio, but the OP is not contemplating that.

  2. >I could insist she get tested but I don’t want her to go through the hassle of getting tested just for me.

    This is a bad way to think of it.

    She SHOULD get tested for herself and for the safety of future partners. You shouldn’t ever have to convince someone to get tested, people should do it regularly or without hesitation when asked. Ask her. If she says no, that’s a huuuge red flag

    If you don’t know her status, don’t have sex with her. Is it worth catching something incurable?

  3. Yes, there are common STIs a condom won’t do much to protect you from, such as HSV. Having lots of sex is great. Not getting tested endangers you. You’re not overthinking it. That’s your BigBrain trying to reason with your LittleBrain about lifelong consequences. Choose wisely.

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