I’m temporarily living with my parents so I can save up to get a apartment. I had one before but lost it. I have 2 cats, they’re technically support animals. My dad, he doesn’t like cats and doesn’t want them walking around the house so I usually keep them in the back of the house where my room is. When I came home from work, my window was open and they both have escaped. For unknown reasons, my brother had opened the window and didn’t close it back. I was very mad about it and kept asking them were did they go and why was the window open.

I went out searching for them and it took me 3 hours to find them. They were over by a bush far away from the house. Not only were the cats let out, I also had a rough day. I technically packed my stuff and grabbed my cats and left, even though I have nowhere to go. Im kind of just staying in my car

  1. Should this maybe go in the venting sub? Doesn’t seem like you’re asking for advice

  2. Do you have any friends that will let you couch surf? Or maybe just watch your cats until you find a new apartment?

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