Is it me or does sex ed just feel useless as an adult. Im 18 and just the other day I found out through porn that girls have a discharge that looks alot like seman. I never remember them teaching that in sex ed. Now that I think of it most the stuff I found out about sex was through porn rather than sex ed.

  1. Totally useless. I mean, I’m married for 10 years and I still don’t feel like I get it 😅

  2. No not useless just needs to go more in depth and guys should know more about girls and vise versa instead of splitting classes between the same sex have them learn everything together

  3. 100% useless. My sex ed would be better described as scare tactics. All they covered was STIs, the cost and life ruining (yes, life ruining) responsibility of kids, and that we would grow extra hair and smell bad.

  4. I think it depends on the teacher. If your school teaches abstinence only, then yes useless. My teacher was blunt and honest about diseases, contraceptives, and all that jazz. Felt like I learned a lot back then

  5. For me it wasn’t much more than put on a condom because pregnancy and STDs. There’s so many more things people should be taught , consent especially, things like what is and isn’t consent and how it can be given or revoked whenever. Everybody should be learning about the bodily functions of themselves and others, teach boys about tampons so they can learn to help care for girls.

  6. WTF? Sex Ed has actually gone down hill? We learned about that decades ago in sex ed. I mean they didn’t get into it in detail but they at least called it female ejaculation and told us that it’s not pee, it’s normal and it happens sometimes. Also, they did try to warn us not to be promiscuous but that was because we could catch an STD. No one ever said anything about more hair in strange places or anything like that. Who the hell is teaching this stuff now?

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