I certainly did after I got my Gastric Bypass in 2018 and went from 265 to 155 around the time COVID hit. I was just flabbergasted by the difference. Store workers are nicer to me, women approach me almost everywhere I go, and fellow men seem to feel threatened by me at times. How was your experience?

  1. >Store workers are nicer to me

    I can buy that.

    >women approach me everywhere I go

    Hmmmm, SUS

    > and fellow men feel threatened by me

    Okay lol you’re making things up

  2. I lost ~70lbs about 2 years ago. I didn’t really notice any more attention but I noticed skinny/fit girls seem to give me more attention than before. When I was overweight, I received a lot of attention from “curvy” women but not much from skinny girls. So I guess I fell into a different “demographic”.

  3. I went from getting the occasional look of disgust to being ignored

  4. Oh yeah absolutely.

    I’m not a tall guy (5’7) so for my height, I was definitely overweight at 187lbs, my heaviest. My face was chubby and because of all the junk I ate, my skin was awful too. I also never lifted so that 187 was mostly fat.

    I wouldn’t say people were mean to me or disrespectful. They just… didn’t notice me or could care less at all lol. I was just there and often overlooked.

    Once I started losing weight, starting lifting and built muscle, and put on some better clothes, I got way more attention from ladies and people accord you greater respect.

    When you’re in better shape, you attract women more

    When you’re in better shape, men respect you more, primarily if you work out because they know how hard it is to get a strong body

  5. I Work retail. There’s a lot more women touching me after I provide customer service; sometimes when I pull up my device to check inventory or pricing they’ll stand behind me and get close so that a quarter of our bodies are touching. I’ve been on conference calls where a woman and I are sitting next to the phone and she’s got to get up so she pushes off my thigh. Then there was a time a woman motorboated me.

    None that stuff happens when you’re 25% body fat. That stuff start happening 17% and below, with muscles

  6. Absolutely.

    Imagine a fat, unhealthy, miserable person with like zero confidence in themselves. Not a great look.

    Now imagine a skinny fit and muscular person who seems happy and content with themselves and very confident in who they are and how they look. It’s a good look.

    Aside from getting more sexual and romantic attention I’m just treated better as a whole. Someone who respects themselves enough to put in work to take care of themselves and someone who’s confident in themselves is much easier to talk to. And when it comes to the types of interactions you want to have with stranger, the kind of friends, partners, and sexual partners that you’d want in your life someone who’s healthy and confident is far far far more appealing than someone who’s unhealthy and looks like they might hate themselves but at the very least has zero self confidence.

  7. “Pretty privilege” is a thing. I’m reasonably attractive and I have a killer smile. Every girl I’ve ever dated has mentioned it. And I realize that there are some things that are easier for me. Either way when I lost 35 pounds I noticed that even my regular good luck seemed to get better.

    My personal theory is that this phenomenon is almost entirely in your head. If I think people will perceive me as attractive they do in fact perceive me as attractive. This only serves to reinforce that idea of pretty privilege because reinforcement from society will create a positive confidence feedback loop


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