Hey, im new to reddit and this is a stupid question but I just wondering about this!

I work in a nursery within the UK with 2-3 year olds. I will be going away for 3 and a half weeks due to personal reasons. i really enjoy my job here and I have such string bonds with the children and it just made me think- will the children forget me? Will they lose their bond with me being away for this long? The longest ive ever gone away for is a week.

  1. No they remember. Trust me, there are loads of jobs where parent go away for months on end and the kids remember. Youd be screwed in the Navy or such like if they forgot that quickly.

  2. They have an Incredible memory. My toddler makes references to stuff that happened a year ago.

  3. My husband used to work away for weeks at a time my daughter never forgot him. However if you ask her now about things that happened when she was three or four she doesn’t have a clue.

  4. My daughter turned 4 just as the first lockdown happened. She didn’t forget the staff or friends at nursery before she went back. And she only went two days a week.

  5. I think so, any time we’re out with one of the in laws (works in early learning) around the area they live/work you are pretty much guaranteed to have parents with their kids waving or saying “hi miss!”.. they are really impressionable at that age (and the person is just genuinely nice)

  6. Nope. We went on holiday just after Xmas and between that and the Nursery holiday, our LO was away for nearly a month. It was lovely to see her face light up when she saw the staff again. She absolutely remembered them!

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