How many push-ups can you do?

  1. No idea at this point. I haven’t been doing any for a while. It’s not a great exercise for me, and my old physical therapist recommended that I skip them due to my body mechanics.

  2. I am not sure, my standard daily workout is around 100, but they are mixed in with other exercises. Not sure how many I could do in a row or whatever.

  3. Zero. I used to be able to just about do one, but I suffer with chronic back pain, so any form of strength training is very difficult and painful. 🤣🤦‍♀️

  4. Probably like 10 at most. I’ve been wasting away during school and post graduation.

  5. I have fake titties. Just the sensation of them moving under my chest muscles makes the answer zero

    Before fake titties I could do 2 😀

  6. Wow! Some of these answers surprise me.

    I’ve spent the last two years working out 4-5 days a week, primarily strength training, and my arms are by far my best feature. I work on my upper body strength a lot… and I can only do 15-20 generally. I was really proud of myself for that! Clearly I need to up my standards lol.

    If I do the modified knee push ups, I can do about 40-50 but I don’t count those as real push ups. I try to do 15 proper form then drop to modified push ups for AMRAP.

  7. I haven’t tried in ages but I highly doubt it would be more than 10, at most!

  8. I used to be able to do upwards of 50, which I only busted out for PT in the military because I knew my running time would be abysmal. Now I’m lucky if I could manage 10.

  9. I think a solid 20 and then I start to get wobbly. Maybe… a painful 30? lol

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