Hey guys, I have very strange problem and I need some help: I have been overweight almost all my life, I weighed around 200 pounds in my teenage years. Then, at 17, I decided to change that and lost 40 pounds in 6 months with weight training and cardio and a healthy diet. I have been trying to keep that weight ever since, now I’m approximately 175 pounds.
Strangely though, my libido started to go down after that, and in the last three years I had a very low sex drive and overall interest in sex. I also experience some hair loss, not very severe, but it’s definitely less dense now than before I started working out. But what’s even more disturbing, my sex drive has always been through the roof before I started training, I had relationships with a very intense sex life. But ever since I lost the weight and started to eat healthy, my sex drive has been much lower and I just don’t understand why.
Isn’t working out supposed to increase testosterone and thus sex drive? If so, how can this be the case? Has anyone went through this? Can it be a hormonal imbalance? What can I do about it?

  1. Well, definitely see a doctor about it. Having these issues addressed by professionals will undoubtedly improve your mental well-being.

    That being said, it certainly does sound like issues that are associated with low testosterone. You’re correct that working out should raise testosterone levels. I’m not an expert in anything, so I have no idea if exercise affects everyone the same way, though.

    The other variable is your diet. You say you have been eating healthier, which is always good. Do you know if you are getting all your vitamins and adequate protein? Protein is important for testosterone production, and getting a full spectrum of vitamins in their necessary quantities is of course very important to your overall health.

  2. This should have the opposite effect. As Another post said, it might be hormonal.

  3. Usually when lean mass goes up and fat goes down we see an increase in testosterone. And a decrease in estrogen ( in males )

    I’d get my hormones tested to see if there is an issue there. Nobody can guess correctly your issue online with no lab equipment .

    sometimes people are atypical hormonally and no way to find out without testing.

    Also depression can kill sex drive but that’s still gets us to the same place. Go see a doctor

    But usually with exercise we see a drop in depression and an increase to happiness

  4. your test should be up, your estrogen down, and your self image improved. So this seems off.

    So I’d say see an endocrinologist about your T levels (Not your normal doc, for the love of gods)

  5. My guess is your testosterone is in the gutter. Get a full hormone panel from someone who specializes in hormones. Most GPs are worthless for stuff like this.

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