Starting to believe that someone isn’t really out there for me. I have tried so hard in dating to find someone. It’s really all I lack in my life.

I have had 1000’s of matches on dating sites and dozens of date. Some girls are interested in me for a long term relationship but unfortunately I’m not physically attracted to them.

At this point in my life, I think it’s just me. Some people find their other half. Maybe mine doesn’t exist.

Do other people feel like this? I just want my partner.

  1. Dude I think judging from all these posts on Reddit we are a very odd time in the online world, not just OLD but for the purposes of this discussion that’s what we’ll talk about.

    I think we’re all fatigued. We’ve been sold the internet as this great invention but really it’s not great on the individual level, maybe it’s great if you see societal progress on a macro civilisation scale as important but for individuals living their life, it has created more problems than solved. We are the first generation from 35 down to deal with this and we have experienced maybe 15 years of social media and the likes by this stage. We’re all fed up, we are used to the comforts of the modern world now and we’re looking for something else.

    The problems with OLD are not reflective of you, they’re reflective of the reality that the internet has created where being normal and average isn’t good enough anymore. Social media has made it that girls as long as they aren’t fat and get anyway lucky in the facial genetics department can have guys thirsting over them. These girls are cute but in real life are just normal girls however online they are this sexualised being that can get any guy they want. This fucks up the dating dynamics because decently attractive girls are not getting with decently attractive guys.

  2. Every 2-3 months I get pissed off and delete tinder but then I re-download it after a couple weeks with a fresh perspective and that helps me personally

  3. I feel the same way. I get rejected all the time. I’ve accepted the fact I’m just ab ugly piece of shit no female will ever be attracted to. I’ve just given up. Trying the same thing over and over again and not getting different results is insanity. I give up I’ll probably be single forever.

  4. You’re not alone in this feeling online dating and even dating in general can suck at times, I appreciate some of the connections and relationships I’ve gotten from it, but tryna to find serious people you’re attracted to is definitely like searching for a needle in a haystack it’s very exhausting.

  5. Same, i get burned out a lot. I find pausing the profile helps. Sometimes deleting and re-creating you see the same people and it can trigger bad memories

  6. Heck yes..I wish we could post our pics and help each other visually..I’m going to a sports bar solo since my daughter is away tonight just to have adult time even though I’m alone….just to try regular dating for once 😝😝😝

  7. Have you tried lowering your standards where you can? For instance, I wouldn’t mind dating a “6.” I’ve been in two situations in which i wasnt attracted at first but eventually the man’s personality won me over. And I couldn’t care less if there was another person who was better looking

  8. What are you looking for in a partner? Like minimum requirements for you to be happy. I don’t think anyone should settle but I feel like people get caught up in looking for someone who is absolutely perfect. Kind of like a unicorn. You’re supposed to grow and move through different stages of your lives with your partner. Finding someone who isn’t entirely perfect right now but will grow with you and build the life you’re wanting together could be something to consider. Again, don’t settle on the things that matter to you. If things like religion, kids, politics, values, and health/being active are super important to you make sure you don’t ignore those. They are really hard to get past in relationships if you have differing views. I would suggest trying to be more open minded when meeting people while still maintaining the standards and values you find important

  9. Yes I (31F) feel exactly like this right now. And I have for a long time but I recently got my hopes up just a little. Struggling again.

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