I’m a 22-year-old with [ADD](https://www.additudemag.com/learning-to-linger/). I would describe myself as a nerd, open, somewhat funny, and just fine (as in not good/bad looking, however, I do have off-days). Also, I was a virgin till last week.

Fresh (about four months) off a long-distance relationship, I met a stranger who asked for my number. After a couple of texts, we had sex in my apartment. It was nice; She never seemed to run out of compliments; She said my cock was pretty (only one other person has said that), that my arse looked good, my body felt good to hold, that she liked how I cuddled (like a possessive person**—**thoroughly confused on that) etc. We talked, cuddled, and then fell asleep till the morning. After I woke up, it took her *a while* to leave (she eventually left by 13:00). And she hasn’t called or replied to my text since then.

Hopefully, that’s enough context for my questions;

* Is it common for people to stay that long after?
* Should I call or text her again (to know if she’s OK)?
* I want to have more sex and potentially more partners. What are some customary “rules” to follow?

Thanks for reading 🙂

“`The link is to an article about Sex and ADD; To provide a little context on one of the reasons having sex proved a little difficult.“`

1 comment
  1. Sometimes people stay for a long time, especially if they like the person. Sometimes they leave immediately after sex. There is no set answer.

    I wouldn’t call her again if you’ve already called, but if you only texted once then I’d say give her a call.

    What kinds of things are you looking for? Basically you can sleep with people as long as you aren’t in a committed relationship.

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