Hi all.
I am living in UK now. I am man
Usually when it is my friends birthday ( men friend), I am bringing his mum flowers for his son. Since i am in UK and most of the men friend live with girlfriends I bring flowers for them on their boyfriends birthday. Now for some reason i started to question this.

Is it ok to do that or it is not necessary?


  1. Not ok, it could be interpreted as you trying to flirt with his girlfriend. I would suggest another kind of present, a homemade meal, a cake…

  2. I think that sounds lovely! I’m assuming you would also get something for the one whose birthday it is? I’d say it should be either both get something or neither get something. It may require a brief explanation as you’ve given us here, because it isn’t common, but it is a really lovely idea. It certainly wouldn’t be expected or required, though, so don’t feel obliged.

    The only thing I’d say to watch out for is the comparison of the partner to the friend’s mother. Some people may be offended if they feel that they’re being seen as “the woman of the house” rather than their own person. I disagree that it would be misinterpreted as flirting though, unless they’re the classically romantic long-stemmed roses! A £5-10 supermarket bunch would be greatly appreciated, I’d have thought.

    For context, I’m female and in a long-term lived-in relationship with a male partner in the UK.

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