Every time I have a same sex attraction and get aroused by other guys I have this deep feeling of shame and embarrassment. I know my feelings are disgusting, shameful, and sinful and I just want God to take away my attraction and forgive me. I’m literally crying at night I just want to serve God. I need help please

  1. Your thoughts aren’t bad, there is nothing wrong with you. When you’ve been told your whole life that being gay is wrong it’s normal it have a lot of internalised homophobia to unlearn.

    You aren’t being bad or hurting anyone, try to be kind to yourself

  2. There is nothing wrong with you, there are many things wrong with religion.

  3. We aren’t always in control of our own thoughts, however, your actions in response to these thoughts are your own.

    Simply don’t pursue these men. 🙂

  4. Jesus Christ. You’re a free human being, not a servant to some other worldly being. I was raised religious and knew from a young age it didn’t mean shit. Your thoughts on your sexuality are natural, your fear of god is irrational and completely fabricated. Your thoughts aren’t hurting you or anyone around you and are absolutely normal.

  5. To be honest I never thought I will get so horny for pegging because being gay was always the joke. But to be honest there’s no more masculine and sexy thing than man that knows what he wants and he’s not afraid to take it.

  6. Let me tell you what you’re life is going to be, based on what you choose.

    Path one, you repress this side of you, and throughout the years you do, there will be a little voice inside you that keeps asking you to be true to who you are. Maybe it’ll show itself in your sorrow, or your anger, maybe it’ll grey the colors of your life, causing you to sink into a realm of apathy. It’ll constantly be asking you to acknowledge it, and when you choose to ignore it, to satisfy you family, your friends, your God, you’ll only be hurting yourself.

    On this path, your family may view you as their ‘good Christian boy’, but it’ll come at a cost; you’re going to have to hurt yourself.

    Is that the type of family you have?
    The type of friends?
    The type of God?

    They want you to hurt?

    Find better ones if they do.

    The second path, is hard too, but at least you’ll be more of what, and who, you really are. People may judge you, you may need to find new people to be around, maybe people may make comments, but here it all is, right here;

    “So what?”

    You’re a canvas of color. Don’t let others toss black and white paint over what you are, you’re SO much more than the expectations of others.

    YOU, define YOU.
    Nobody else does.

    There’s nothing wrong with you.

  7. Wtf😂😂😂, it’s not sinful at all , god says to love everyone , also I think the bubble might be edited through out the years , be gay and have gay sex or what every you want , you gotta think for yourself first before anything else ,it’s cool and enjoy yourself

  8. People don’t speak for Him. He wants you to be happy. Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,” & so many other passages. Whether you follow His commandments or not (& nobody follows all of them, it’s impossible), He wants you to be happy, & alive. When people say “love is love” they mean that gay love has the same value & beauty as straight love. It makes Him happy to see His people living loving, fulfilling lives, you can do that while being attracted to men. If He didn’t want you to feel attracted to men He wouldn’t have made you so.

  9. You are probably gay. I know that seems scary, but maybe you should read some stories about kids who came out as gay and lived their full TRUE happy lives, and their parents may have hated it at first but they came around and now their families are stronger than ever. And anyway, what’s that expression? “God don’t make junk.” If you believe he made you, he wouldn’t have made you broken, he made you EXACTLY how you’re meant to be, and that’s gay. There’s nothing wrong with love or even lust. Just move away and get some distance from your homophobic family. Make some friends and discover life, stop being ashamed. Every single friend I have is gay and they ALL have great relationships with their parents now and everything is alright. Plenty of people will love and accept you for who you are.

  10. There is nothing wrong with you, its ok to be who you really are. Break free you will find others like you and find support.

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