Hi Americans, European here from across the pond with a question: It’s a widely known fact that Nebraska is the coolest state in the Union – what do you think makes it so great?

  1. The corn, it’s a little known fact that the pure scent of 100% Nebraskan corn makes a man more virile and heals the sick and wounded unlike the weak un-American Iowan corn

  2. Nebraskan Corn is fertilized with the blood of Iowans, and once Iowa is gone, they are going to move on to Kansas

  3. Corn. All corn all the time. Popcorn, corn dogs, corn on the cob, corn off the cob, ethanol instead of gas, corn nuts, corn syrup, corn flakes, corn chowder, baby corn, corn starch…. I could go on and on and on.

  4. It looks like a train

    The second and third coolest states are Montana and Idaho, because it looks like Montana is telling Idaho a secret about California

  5. The endless long straight lines of telephone posts. I never seen so many in a such a perfect straight like that has to be it.

  6. Nebraska doesn’t exist. It’s a fantasy land like Oz. It’s funny how many gullible Europeans believe in it.

  7. It exists. See most of the states are actually figments of the imagination. An elaborate psy op to distract our enemies.

  8. The definitely not creepy children in the corn fields that are definitely not sacrificing adults. Just completely normal children doing completely normal things 🙂

  9. It’s definitely the lack of proximity to both mountains and oceans, and the monocultural, homogeneous population that makes Nebraska stand out as a wonderland.

  10. You think you know everything you can do with a corncob but you don’t. You are not even close to knowing. Nebraskans, however… they know. Boy do they know.

  11. Nebraska’s greatest accomplishment was finding something noteworthy to put on the back of their state quarter.

    (I kid, I kid. I love you guys).

  12. Their distance from the Ocean. They along with Kansas are extremely far from the ocean and there by foreign influence. Making them the most American Americans to every American

  13. It’s all the corn and all the steroids their armored wankball team used to take

  14. At one time I was deeply infatuated with a German-American redhead from there. So there’s that.

  15. Damn bro, you’re breaking the first rule of Nebraska:

    ***Nebr aska bout Nebraska.***

    And to y’all people answering: shame on you! Curiosity is nebr a good reason for treason!

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