My husband and I have very different political opinions and it hasn’t been an issue until this year. We aren’t usually anything but loving with eachother yet we’ve come to verbal blows over the current hot topics and he is so sure of himself it’s exhausting. Any advice? I’ve asked if we could just not talk about it since it doesn’t really impact our lives right now but it’s all he thinks about/ reads about/ talks about with anyone else so I’m always hearing about it.

  1. Politics isn’t just politics, it hasn’t been for a while. It’s now the difference between “Does he care about human rights or not?” Differing on politics means differing on your morals and values. It’s what kind of person you are.

  2. How long have you been married?

    We have been married 29 years. We are opposite in many ways— religion, politics, food, music.

    We adore each other. He is an independent individual as I am. His different views fascinate me and allow me to see a new way of considering things.

    I don’t have to agree with him to love him. I have many family and friends I don’t agree with. So? They all have unique experiences that have led them to think and feel as they do; just as my experience has led me to my beliefs.

    It works for us because neither of us see many things as completely right/wrong. Both of us are able to see the many shades of gray.

    Yes, murder is wrong. But if someone was threatening to kill my child and I had a weapon, I would not think twice.

    Yes, stealing is wrong. But if my child were hungry and I had no other choice? I might.

    We both know that we have the ability to see nuances, so we understand that each of us have an unspoken disclaimer ~not always, not in every situation~ that allows us to communicate well.

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