Hello people! I’m (25f) here in a sticky situation with a person I’m interested in. I know it’s never going to come to anything too serious, because I don’t want to and because I’m moving to a city far away next year.

I met this guy 1 year ago, at a party and we got along great, we spent the whole night talking. however, nothing happened because a friend of mine was interested in him, got upset and made up that we kissed. Plus I started dating. I broke up with my boyfriend a few months ago (this girl and I are no longer friends). 1 month ago I met this guy at a party and he later sent me a message and we started talking a lot. We were together 3 times: the first time we went for a walk (nothing else happened), the second time I went to a cafe with him and some friends and the third time we went to the beach and then we went to his house and things happened. Since that day he started replying much less messages to my messages. Two days later I asked him if he wanted to do something but he said he was going to sleep (it was already very late) and he said to show up at the cafe where he works the next day. When the day came, I remembered that maybe he was working at the cafe and I asked him that, he didn’t answer me (he only answered the day after saying yes). So I didn’t go because I didn’t have any friend to go with me. so the next day I asked him if he wanted to do something and he said he already had plans so we agreed to be together in two days. Hours later, after that conversation, he texted me saying “I want to sleep with you” and I replied “are you drunk?”. he just answered me the next day saying “I need to talk to you” and I asked him what was going on and he said we were talking face to face and I said “now I’m worried, can you just say the matter?” and he didn’t answer me anymore. the day of our meeting passed and he didn’t say anything else (I didn’t say anything either… but as he didn’t respond to messages anymore and I was the one who was always trying to schedule things). This was two weeks ago.

Last night I stopped by the cafe where he works and he came to say hello. Today he sent me a message saying that I was weird and if something was wrong and why I had disappeared. I said he ignored me and he said he didn’t do anything like that… Am I exaggerating? should i keep talking to him and pretend nothing happened?

UPDATE: he said that when he was talking with me, he started talking with his ex. But it didn’t end up well.

TL;DR: this guy lost interest after being intimate with me. Now he sent me a message. Should I give a second chance?

  1. He sounds flaky as hell or he is playing games with you.

    I’d keep moving right on past him.

  2. so you basically had sex with him… with no commitment required?? baby, as a man, let me tell you that you are stupid (the entire situation is no different than the ones part of the so-called ”hook-up culture”). my best advice is to just move on with your life

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