How long did it take for your current place of employment to respond to your application?

  1. my last emploent? 2 weeks. now, I always get back to them within 3 days.

  2. All but one of my jobs I got by recruiters pitching something based on an application I had submitted for something else. So…yeah I never actually applied to the one I have.

  3. Less than 24 hours after I applied I had an interview scheduled and I got an offer 3 days later.

  4. Like 2 hours. Maybe less. I have a very specialized skill set that is in high demand. It also has shit pay. Go figure. I apply, I get hired.

  5. About a month. I had applied to so many places I honestly had no idea who was calling, for what position, at which location, etc.

  6. Currently in the process of hunting for a job, and have two offers on the table that I’m trying to stall before deciding.

    Both I heard back from the day after I submitted my application. The initial interviews then took place two days later, which one ended with the job offer that day, and the other I had a total of four conversations / interviews before finally getting the offer.

    I’m always hesitant to jump at a job offer that comes too quickly. There are exceptions but it usually tells me that this position can’t be too desirable. Though I’m trying to keep an open mind as this is my first transition from blue to white collar work.

  7. I didn’t even apply. I got a call from one of my college instructors asking if I was interested in a job. Went for the interview and got hired right away.

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