I get along with people at work, have gotten along with roommates in the past, and I’ll even get invited out to get drinks sometimes with coworkers but it’s always in a big group so it’s more like I’m just there and not really a key part of that group, if that makes sense. I’ve had a few close friends in the past that I made at school but as an adult I’ve found I just have no idea how to build a friendship. I have a cat so she helps keep me company, but I do get pretty lonely. My neighbors always stand outside and smoke so i joined them the other day and we chatted a little but i didn’t know what to say, and kind of felt like i was intruding on their fun, so i just stood there quietly most of the time. And then one of them hit on me and it felt weird so I went back inside. I’m broke as a joke so even though I want to invite people to my apartment, there’s no internet, no AC, and no tv, and, (content warning: weed) i no longer smoke weed because my job drug tests us ( that was always my go to if a situation was boring or awkward I’d just roll us a joint) so I’m always too scared to invite people because I feel like they wouldn’t have a good time. How do you guys meet people? I also just moved to a new state this past March so I literally dont know anyone in the state at all, which I’m sure is part of my problem😅 I hope it doesnt sound like I’m complaining too much, I just really am at a loss for how to make friends and would love advice

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