So I(27NB) always used to be a good listener – i’m not really chatty but if someone launches an interesting conversation I’m totally in.

But over time I went through depression and weed addiction, combined with an unhealthy lifestyle and my attention capacity has greatly declined, so when someone struggles to express what they want, or tries to explain themselves too much (I notice every redundance and this bores me af, like “go to the fckn point pls”) my mind always starts to wander and I lose track of the whole conversation.

In addition to this, I lost interest in listening and helping friends who have a hard time whereas I was always there for everyone when I was younger (until 1 or 2 years ago I’d say). So many times I was so low and when I started to explain people would say “ah yes me too blah blah blah”. Now people are getting old and I hate talking about money or work or whatever so uninteresting adult topics. With my few friends we don’t talk only about that when we meet but there’s surely a phase they do.

I feel like I lost myself, like I withdrew into myself and I hate this version of me pissed off by nice people. I’m not even talking about narcissists who could spend hours listening at themselves talking, just about persons who think too much and express all of it, not concise. I just can’t focus and social situations are becoming difficult for me. I can’t just tell them “plz will you pls go faster and shorter i’m bored”. And I really need to improve myself because I’m actually working someone like this, intelligent af, adorable and so industrious but I just can’t stand talking with him.


Did any of you already felt like this?

Thanks for reading!

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