My boyfriend and I have been together about 4 months and we have amazing sex. He gets off multiple times whenever we have sex. He will cum and then is trying for another round within a minute, after a little work to get him hard again. Last night we had sex for a hour and half and he came three to four times. Is this a normal thing for guys? I don’t have a lot of experience with different men and it really surprised me to learn he can keep going and going. He is 40 years old and I’m in my 30s.

  1. Congratulations. And no, I’d say that’s not the norm. Especially if he’s 40.

  2. It is not normal but it can be achieved. There are some men who are unaware of how to spend that time and energy to learn these things. There is a muscle that man can strengthen like the women can her vaginal walls. This allows for a turn around.

    Unless he has an unusual high drive this could be a reason why. Very few people share and teach these techniques to one another so there is that.

  3. Yes. A boy can have multiple orgasm. Everything is normal. And the fact that in his 40 he is solid rock is even better, m I right?

  4. Guy I’ve got a casual thing with now can do that, at least twice in a row! He’s way younger than that though. It was new to me, but a pleasant surprise!

  5. This is more typical in younger men, generally. When it happens in older men, it either betrays his physical prowess due to good health and genes, OR a deep attraction to a mate.

    I’m saying that he’s probably very into you AS WELL as maybe a very healthy man physically.

  6. Not common, per se, but I know one man with no refractory period (stays hard and can come and come and come), and I can come two or three times I a row (within about 3-5 minutes) but will be totally out of commission and have a massive headache (I can forget to breathe).

    Everyone’s different.

  7. I’m told this is uncommon, but I can do this. Just takes me a few hours to get to three or four times, so I usually call it quits after two not to rub her and myself raw.

  8. I’m 58 and can do the same. I have no refractory period. And have mild delayed ejaculation so hard ons will stay rock hard for 1 to 2 hrs with no problem. After 3 shots it really starts to hurt, my balls and dick get sore. And pelvic area.

  9. So can my husband, especially if we got a while without it. I, however, am a one and done. Once I cum, I’m done lol! But it does take me a while

  10. My partner is the same. Early 30s. He said he’s most often been able to go twice previously with otherpartners, but with me he’s gone up to 7 times in one session, on average I’d say he tends to finish 3 or 4 times, on occasion only 2. I can probably count on one hand the sessions where he’s only finished once. But at least 3 and most often more seems to be the standard. He will finish, stop for about 3 seconds and then keep going. We also tend to have sex at least once a day, sometimes several times.

    It’s pretty odd if I’m honest but I love it and can’t imagine it any different now lol

  11. Dude .. I’m 37 and I can *maaaaybe* cum once every 24 hours, generally once every 48 hours

  12. I thought was normal until I joined this sub. I can cun multiple times with almost no refractory period. If it starts to be less hard I just need to touch and rub her, hear her moans or feel the wetness and I get back into plat. This three things really makes me going immediately

  13. I can go multiple times in a row sometimes. I’ ll lose my hornyness before becoming physicly unable to continue( go flacid). So if im really horny and energetic I might cum 2 sometimes 3 and once in a year 4 times in one session. But usually after 1 or 2 I’m mentally fullfilled/ balls empty.

  14. I’m with my gf few months, and last night i finished 5 times while she scored 2 times! I’m 25y(M) we had 13 times once in 24 hours! So i think it’s normal. But At the age of 42 that’s cool!

  15. In my teen years or early twenties I could do the same thing.

    Even now at 28? Nope. MAYBE twice if I’m really into it, but that would be considered an achievement.

  16. One partner was like this. Never lost his erection after having an orgasm, and would go 2 or 3 times.

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