Going to be completely honest here, and this will sound harsh but my girl just doesn’t do it for me any more. I love her deeply but she just doesn’t turn me on. I have this ravenous appetite to have sex with a new partner. I keep trying to get this feeling to go away but I can’t do it. It’s been over a year like this. I feel like if I marry her it will turn into a dead bedroom.

So that being said, how do I break it off? Otherwise things are great, but unfortunately I can’t hang on for all the other things anymore. I can’t break up with her on the basis of wanting to sleep with other women, it sounds horrible and it would destroy any ounce of confidence that she has.

TL;dr I want to break up with my girlfriend to have sex with other women but don’t want to destroy her ego/spirit by being too honest.

  1. Don’t tell her that you are not attracted to her, that will be hurtful.

    You can tell her you just do not feel like being in the relationship any longer. Tell her you feel lost and need to explore yourself.

    It doesn’t have to be some complicated reason – you don’t have to be in a relationship that you don’t want to be in. Don’t feel guilty, it’s better for her as well so she can have the opportunity to find love.

  2. “this is not working out for me i need something different right now”

  3. How do you get to the age of 34 and not understand how to go about initiating a breakup?

  4. Tbh you’re 34, and you say “you want a new sex partner” lol you’re the problem… you should tell her the truth all woman deserve the truth. Tip for future relationships, don’t get into a relationship if you can’t handle the boring parts. She deserves better

  5. This sounds like a case of making up some bullshit that will probably come back to bite you later, when the truth is a sufficient explanation.

    Why not be honest? Its a perfectly reasonable reason to break up. If there is something about her that has changed her attractiveness, I would tell her.

  6. go find the woman you want to cheat on her with, and then tell her you’ve found somebody else

  7. If it is going the way of a dead bedroom, of course you can end it. It is called sexual incompatibility. I hope you have talked to her about trying to work this out first.

  8. She might not want to have sex with you because you are not great at initiating dirty talk, as per your previous posts/comments. I don’t know many women who’d be turned on by what you think rolls off the tongue. Case and point man milk.

  9. I understand you are asking here because telling her “I’m breaking up with you because I’m no longer sexually attracted to you” is cruel, even if it’s the truth. You will gain nothing from shattering her self confidence while breaking up with her so congrats on looking for better ways to do it.

    First you should get her attention and text her something like “I have something I need to get off my chest, please meet me at XXX tonight so we can have a talk”.

    Then when you do meet you’ll need to have a difficult conversation, but you can make it easier if you give her a simple message: that the relationship is over.

    You need to tell her you are no longer happy with the relationship and you want to break up. Try not to send mixed messages so she really understands it’s over (for example avoid saying things like “I’ll always love you” etc). She will probably try to convince you to try harder or suspect there might be someone else but stand your ground and eventually you’ll both find more compatible partners. Good luck OP

  10. Just be honest. It’s you who want to end it not her. Don’t search for reason to make it easy for you. It’s you who feel guilty for time “wasted” together. Donte search for it. Tell her truth. Tell her that she or relation with her gave you enough confidence to tell her truth. She never attracted you. She was only one who been attracted to you when no one else was (or she was only one you realised she was attracted to you at time). Now you got more confidence but it’s her achievement. She made it you you. Tell her truth. She deserves it

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