I (23F) feel ashamed, but unfortunately I cannot shake the feeling that was itching at me to do it.

My boyfriend (23M) and I recently went to visit some of his friends. One of them was a girl he slept with in college a few times who has been a part of their close knit friend group for years.

They are super lovey dovey and call each other babes and love and tell each other how much they love each other and how much they can’t wait to see each other again.

Now I do feel a little weird about the whole situation.

Do I tell him I went through his texts and that it makes me uncomfortable they speak to each other that way?

Idk. Overreacting? Probably. We’re extremely transparent so I feel like I’d be better off saying something for my own sanity, but I don’t think he will stop. He’s not this lovey with any of his other friends.

  1. Honestly you should have talked to him about the lovey dovey talk before you let the impulse to check his phone take hd. But yeah, imho you should admit to him that you did it.

    He’s probably gonna be upset that you don’t trust him but…well, you didn’t. Talk about why you felt that way and how you’d like to fix it. Take his feelings into account, be open, and find a compromise.

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