My girlfriend and I have cheated on each other and I am conscious of it. Should I break up with her?

For context, my girlfriend (23) and myself (23F) have been dating for 2.5 years and we’re moving in together next month. I will admit I cheated on my girlfriend about two years ago during a drunken mistake and only my 3 close friends knew.

Fast forward to now, I went out with said friends last night and one of my friends was very drunk and brought up that night and said my girlfriend knows and has done the same thing too. I already felt like a scumbag for what I did and tried to grow up since then and I never knew or cared to know if she cheated because it was the “ignorance is bliss” state of mind. Now that I know that she knows and didn’t care just makes me feel dirty and it feels just like an open relationship. I feel like I want to break up since it seems toxic now.

Tl:Dr: I cheated on my girlfriend and she found out and instead of telling me, she did the same thing and I just found out from a friend.

  1. What’s bothering you the most, that she knew you cheated and never said anything, or the tit for tat revenge style?

  2. Well, if she cheated on you back out of revenge it seems she did care. Maybe now that you know just move on? This all sounds incredible juvenile, talk it over with her and decide whether you still want to continue, you know, as people normally do. Instead of cheating on each other in revenge.

  3. Nah, I wouldn’t break up. You are both cheaters. I don’t care if you were drunk when you did it, you still did it and so did she. So the likelihood of either of you cheating again is really high. If you stick together at least when you do cheat, your partner is more likely to be forgiving or at least do some revenge cheating to get it out of their system.

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