After starting my socialization journey, I notice that alot of success comes from having a growth mindset kver a fixed mindset. Fixed mindset entails that you can’t change who you are and must accept it. Growth is the idea that you can change who you are at any time.

It’s funny we can have growth mindsets when it comes to hobbies or life goals but not social skills. For example, if someone is a shy introvert and wants to become an outgoing extroverts, it is possible! Not saying you have to be this way. I’m just taking extreme example.

I was reading a book by a psychologist that talked about how personality isnt permanent meaning that we are not born with a certain personality only temperaments. We can change these overtime if we so choose. It will be hard and seem impossible but it’s been proven.

So keep this in my mind to imbrace growth mindset. It’s the only way to get better overtime.

  1. I agree! You must be consistent.
    I would recommend you to read Estanislao Bachrach. If you google him, probably you’ll find many links for The Agile Mind, which is a great book…but I think the most accurate on this particular topic would be “En Cambio”.

  2. Yes, this is one of the many things that greatly improved my social skills.

  3. I want to do this but I’m scared of backlash like weird looks, confused people, being disliked and even being confronted violently.

  4. which book did you read this from if you don’t mind sharing? interested

  5. I’ve always had a pretty good growth mindset for everything else. Academics, gym, games etc, but never been able to translate it to social shit. I think part of the issue is it’s hard to find challenges small enough that you can just practice them. In games you can find opponents just as bad as you, if you can’t do a push up you can do them with your knee on the ground, but it feels like even the baseline for social growth is out of reach you know, so any type of social stuff requires some sort of humiliation.

  6. Thanks for sharing! I needed to hear this honestly, I’ve been isolating for a while thinking I couldn’t make friendships because of how socially awkward I am. I’ll keep at it, thanks again!

  7. I was told once in college we all have things that come naturally to us, but there are other things we can work on overtime and even though it doesn’t come naturally to us, it can become a skill you get good at if you consistently work at it (think of sports as a good example). Good advice!

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