Me and this girl were together in high school. We went out separate ways and ended up finding each other again! Things were going great and It seemed like we were about to do the dirty and she broke the news (Genital Herpes).

  1. If you love using condoms, good news!

    Plus you only have to worry about it during an outbreak, right?

  2. As long as you use protection it should be fine. Means you are probably going to get it if you end up marrying and having kids. Unless you want to use condoms for life.

  3. Do you see her as a long term partner? Do you want to risk catching an uncurable STD? Just logistically if you catch Herpes and you break up with her its going to be VERY hard to find another willing long term partner.

    If you want my honest opion, given the fact that it seems like the relationship is still new, id move on and not risk it.

  4. Girl with genital herpes here 💁🏻‍♀️

    First and foremost I’m not a fan of how she broke it to you right before sex, that conversation should’ve happened sooner.

    Second, genital herpes is an STD with a ridiculous stigma around it that isn’t necessarily the case. A lot of people have genital herpes but don’t know they have it, because they either never have an outbreak OR it is easily confused with pimples or ingrown hairs. Few people actually get it really bad, which is what is shown to us as a sex deterrent.

    Third, it is less likely for women to give to men, and more likely for men to give to women.

    I think the big thing here though is to talk with her about her personal experience with it and to do your own in depth research on it so you can make a sound decision for yourself. Is she on medication, has she ever had an outbreak, what were the circumstances in which she was diagnosed, etc.

  5. condoms. communicate. have her take meds. if not, just break up now

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