Hi, I’ll keep this short.

So here’s the thing. I’ve been meaning to send a message to an old classmate since march to check up on him but i can’t bring myself to do it out of anxiety and fear of rejection. I was wondering if it’s a weird thing to do?

We haven’t seen each other/talked in 8 years, he’s a guy and to be honest, i don’t talk to a lot of guys so i don’t know how he would take it, back then guys weren’t super nice to girls and it just stuck with me ever since. He was not the worst tho. I’m scared of doing it but i really want to. Maybe he’s changed and I hope he’s mature enough to respond politely, and if he leaves me on read i would understand. he doesn’t owe me anything after all…

If there’s any guy my age here, could you tell me how you would feel if someone messaged you out of the blue like that?


I don’t want to come off as creepy, i asked my friends about this and they all said that i should just go for it, that it’s not a very weird thing to do.

  1. Guy here! If literally anyone sent me a message, I’d probably get talking. Nothing at all strange, just see what happens. Worst case scenario, things kind of go quiet and you lose contact, but at least you’ll have a kind of closure. Personally, I’d be elated.

  2. Totally do it with the idea that the outcome might not be the plan in your head. But, you’ll have made a brave move toward knowing it’s not as scary as you think. Best wishes!!!

  3. Do it. This girl gave me her number before covid hit and I kinda forgot about her till this year. I called her and she had a bf, but I was just proud of myself for putting myself out there for once.

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