Since there’s nothing much going on in My life, I have decided I will work job,until I have 1 million units of currency( UOC) 100% exclusively for this.

Important items of thought to consider: I live in a Republic under a dictatorship,so I need Statist permission and paperwork for everything. I wont broadcast this on youtube,perhaps yes in some other medium.- Im willing to work with others,but also to have freedom of action. I know a good bit about seeds, not putting invasive plants,etc..I do want a certain merit,even if secret,in doing this.

Im not very good with social kills but I love trees,plants, seeds,fruits. And I will at least once, do this and dedicate a million UOC for this cause!

I dont know whom to contact,whom to adress,how to present Myself and indicate my intended funding. I really dont know where to start.

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