Obligatory the pandemic made me forget how to socialize blah blah you get the point

Last few times I went out with some friends I just found myself to be more quiet and awkward than usual. There were some friends of friends there that I basically just avoided because I didn’t really know what to say beyond “Hi my name’s u/sampleaccountname22 nice to meet ya”. In general I found myself taking more time to think of what to say and not having a quick or funny response or sometimes even anything to add to the conversation. What are some exercises I can practice to keep up with the mental agility of social situations?

  1. I don’t know except to reacclimate yourself to socializing by doing. I have a similar problem but different. I’ll be in a conversation, doing just fine, but after a while my mind will drift, then snap back to the conversation and I’ll say something off topic or stupid.

    I remember reading a post where a girl ended up saying “Me go now.” She was a reasonably intelligent person and was amazed and embarrassed by that coming out of her mouth. So at least I haven’t sounded like a Neanderthal yet!

  2. My social skill got rusty over the pandemic as well, working from home and my job doesn’t require me to talk to people much. What I found useful is impromptu speaking groups that celebrates short witty comments. Check out this one [themouthfuls.com](https://themouthfuls.com) They do one-minute impromptu speaking events that are actually fun and work your mental and social muscle at the same time.

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