For the last two and a half years myself and my husband have been working from home, spending all day and night together, being a part of every hour of each other’s day. And while some people may have gone crazy, it’s been great for our marriage. We’ve been together 6 years and married 2. Recently he’s gone back to work in the office full time and I feel that if I don’t have something to keep me completely distracted I get sad – I miss sharing my day with him, when I go for walks by myself and see couples holding hands I feel empty. I guess absence makes the heart grow fonder? Will be interesting to see who can relate to this and who thinks I need therapy, lol.

  1. I’m a SAHM and my husband works from home. I think our clingyness is good for us. I take my toddler out a lot but we’re never away for more than a few hours. I always miss my husband when we’re not together. He’s my best friend. I find it cute cuz I was never an emotionally attached person till I met and married him. It’s nice lol

  2. do yoga, and pole dance.
    I work from home as well as my husband. When I have to travel and without me it happened to me. It’s like you’re missing something and want to tell him something and have to wait. It did help me because it distracted me and I didn’t feel so much anxiety.

  3. I’m going through something similar. My husband is in a different state for a project (just left two weeks ago) and this is the first substantial time we have been apart in almost two years. It sucks because he so busy we can’t even talk that much. But I am also really proud of him because of how much he is growing in this role and testing his limits. But boy do I miss him. I have started various hobbies after work to try and distract myself and I find it helps a bit. I don’t think it’s something you have to look at as needing therapy, but rather you have a healthy relationship and enjoy spending time with your partner. With time you will probably also become use to having alone time again as well. You guys always have the evenings together!

  4. My wife & I enjoyed being together all the time during lockdowns. It wasn’t fun having to go back to the office. I’ve worked from home off & on our whole marriage.

  5. I met my husband at work and we still work together. So we’re together most of every day. I love it! Sometimes work pisses us off and one person will be like, I should look for a new job. But then we’re like, ‘no! Where will we go that will hire us together as a team?’ lol so we’ll probably retire there even though it isn’t the greatest job. A lot of people say, oh I could never work with my spouse but I feel like it’s such a huge blessing. So many years of our lives are wasted at work, having family there makes it tolerable.

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