Hey everyone, I was wondering, how the hell do you become an interesting person in gatherings?

when going out to the pub or restaurants with friends I most of the time being quite, I don’t have any cool stories to tell (I know some people who love to make up stories so that’s not for me) or anything like that, I’m gym rat who is also an online business owner so I mostly work alone so my day passes by without anything exciting happening that I can tell normal people about but I would really like to be and feel more interesting and charismatic

What do you think I should do?

  1. I’d say go explore different things. You can go on walks, hikes, drives or even different gyms and gather unique or funny takes from those. Exaggerate those experiences and bam! You got yourself an interesting story!

  2. You know what’s more impressive ? The ppl that make their mundane lives sound hilarious lol.
    You ever meet those ppl that can tell a story about them just going to the grocery store but it’s genuinely funny ? I love those ppl 😂

  3. I think you answered your own question. Nothing wrong with how you live your life but I’ve found that gym rats and business owners can be hyper focused to the point little else matters. People pick up on that and shy away. However, you can flip this to make it interesting. An example would be how supply chain issues and inflation have affected your business. Everyone hears about this stuff now yet nobody has a firm grasp on how it affects people beyond gas/food prices. Instant conversation starter and you’re now the expert.

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