TLDR: I want to end a relationship with a FWB I’ve been seeing for the better part of 5-6 months. I am struggling to do it and I need some advice.


I (22, M) am polyamorous. I have a nesting partner who I was monogamous with before becoming poly and a FWB, both of them female.

I have been seeing this FWB for about 5-6 months. We get along well, our sexual chemistry is good. We see eachother probably once every week or two, it depends.

But I am now feeling like I want to break off this relationship with her. Im feeling lukewarm about her and I’m frustrated that it took me this long to see that. Like I said, we get along, but I don’t think we have enough common interests, personality traits that blend well together, or interests. I have come to see through this experience that I need a better connection with any others I am involved with and I’ve more or less learned what doesn’t work for me in any relationship, as this is only the third real relationship I have had with a woman.

One catch. It’s been like 5-6 months and I have a character flaw where I will withhold the truth in order to not hurt other peoples feelings. I feel frustrated and want the relationship to end, but also feel guilty because I’ve been kinda leading her on unintentionally. I know the right thing to do here is to be honest, I just don’t know how to word it.

I did make a similar post on the polyamory sub, but I made an error in the time frame of the relationship. Time is becoming more and more irrelevant for me nowadays. I got some good advice there, but I would like any more anyone has to offer.

Thank you

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