Me(15) and my boyfriend (17) have been dating since March of this year, but have known each other since August of 2021 and are both virgins. We’ve grown extremely close to each other and both give total trust to each other. With that trust, we have been petting(touching our partners genitals to pleasure them) and other things together. Well today my boyfriend visited me today at my house, and we were petting. He was petting me and I was pretty turned on and wet. But after a little while of petting but not cumming, he pulled his fingers out, and ended up putting the fingers he used to pet me on my lips, but not completely sure if it went in my mouth. I ended up brushing my teeth after realizing about 10-20 minutes after he left hoping nothing would happen.We had been planning this make out/petting session for a few days with the fingers and mouth part too, and it was consensual between us both. After he did that, we ended up kissing, with the fluid still on my lips.My questions are, Can we get STDs from that form of contact? Are the STDs we could get deadly? Do we have a low chance of STDs? Thank you in advance for the advice

  1. Since you’re both virgins, it’s hard that one of you has got STD. Howewer, go get tested to check it out

  2. Not unless you already had an STD, now called STI, and it would need to be something that could be transmitted that way, like herpes. This is extremely unlikely as you’ve said you’re both virgins. It sounds like you’re having some “post nut guilt”. You did nothing wrong, you had consensual fun w your partner. You’re good.

    Please, please, please: both of you read through everything in this link. Do it for me, ok? Actually, do it for yourselves, you’re worth it and you both need this information.

  3. First of all sexually transmitted infections aren’t “created” from sex , one person needs to be carrying the infection to infect the other. If you both have had no sexual contact (which includes “petting”, or masturbation which I would more accurately call it) with others at all, it’s rather unlikely that any of you carry any dangerous infection. Of course herpes is transmissible this way and fairly common to be carrying but not very dangerous.

    Still it’s good to be careful and avoid genital to genital and genital to mouth contact unless you both are recently tested. Mutual masturbation is pretty safe if you just wash your hands between so you don’t transfer fluids, and practically 100% safe if you wear gloves and avoid cross transfer.

    But do see a doctor and get tested if you’re worried or if you have any symptoms. There’s also mail-in tests available in lots of countries. It’s a very good idea to get a full screening before having sex with a partner and between sexual partners.

    And you should get vaccinated for HPV if you are not already before having genital contact.

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