It’s made me really self conscious of how my female anatomy looks compared to theirs and how guys expect all girls to look so perfect down there too because of this.

Even embarrassed that I don’t have a perfect little anus like they do in p*rn. It’s so sad.

  1. Well a lot of them get plastic surgery. As with Hollywood though it helps to have a certain look to get into it. Like a lot of the guys have huge dicks, doesn’t mean everyone does, but typically people who do have that look might get that voice in the back of their head like “hey I have an hourglass figure I could easily get into porn if I wanted to”

  2. I also feel the same way but try and remind yourself, most people that love pussy are just happy to be in a room with one. They’re not looking at you wishing you had a body like some porn star, they’re happy to be naked with you. That’s how I try and quash insecurities anyway.

    I know that some women have surgery on their labia to make it ‘neater’ or smaller and then there’s anal bleaching, BBLs, breast augmentation etc. There’s a lot of help that goes into those bodies, don’t compare yourself.

  3. They wax , bleach , tan it, do enemas and such so they can do anal longer, not to mention the spray tans, the working out from the time (and probably all the sex they’re having)…all kinds of weird stuff honestly. You gotta think of it like, it’s their butthole on the big screen, so like, I’d probably want my butthole to.look it’s best too lol. I think they spend actually tons of moneys getting it waxed and bleached and all that stuff I said above. It’s why I think sex work is definitely a full-time and respectable job but also why I think we NEED more “regular people”, ethical type porn to choose from.

  4. You got to remember they’re paid to look a certain way, like models, they have to look their best on the screen.

  5. They don’t. It’s a movie and it isn’t real life. It’s filmed and edited to make them look perfect but they aren’t.

  6. Honestly porns pretty fake, a lot of touch up and lighting plus these people get paid solely on their appearance so they’re probably on like a 2x a day workout schedule. However like someone said it’s plastic surgery too.

    No matter how you feel you should never compare yourself to others. I’m sure you’re fine just the way you are. Everyone gets self conscious. But the thing to remember who ever your with/end up with will love every bit of you!

  7. Plastic surgery in a lot of cases. Vaginas etc come in infinite shapes and sizes. Don’t be self conscious, own what you’ve got ♥️

  8. Real people don’t look like porn stars. The videos go through a lot of edits and the people get selected specifically for looks. Every mature guy will accept you the way you are, if they don’t, they’re immature.

  9. Thats why I only watch homemade porn. Its more of the real world, real body’s etc…

  10. Why are basketball players so tall? Why are marathon runners not? Why are strongman competitors so strong?

    I don’t expect my partner to be able to play in the NBA or run a marathon in 3H. She’s not a pro. I don’t know why you think guys have these expectations.

    But not being able to throw a log really does kill my boner though.

  11. Cocaine, Extasy, exercise and they are mostly young. As they get old, you see the cracks coming out. The body has a hard time keeping up.

  12. Selection bias. You don’t get hired if you’re not perfect.

    The rest is staging/lighting/editing/etc.

  13. It’s not perfection, it’s preference. Someone’s perfect is always gonna be someone else’s meh.

  14. They are chosen amont the many. Like movie actors. That’s it. Most of us are perfect in our own ways! Not necessarily the porn stars ways.

  15. Plastic surgery and also, if they didn’t, they wouldn’t be hired for work. The ones who aren’t perfect are weeded out lol

  16. Think of a venn diagram where circle A is all the people with perfect anatomy and circle B is all of those interested in doing porn.

    The overlap is where the porn industry gets its workers.

  17. No. Only inexperienced guys might think that way. You need to check out r/labiaGW. All of them are beautiful and I’m sure yours is too.

  18. Your idea of perfect is being influenced by porn. Why is a little anus perfect? Why do you think their female anatomy is perfect? If you define perfect as what you see in porn, then yeah, every porn star is going to look perfect.

    The sexiest pussy or dick or anus is the one that’s physically in front of you. Your real life bits are always going to be way hotter for your partners than something behind a computer screen.

  19. This is like saying why are football players so good at football.

    They are professionals. They are in those roles because they are the “best”.

  20. you know, i dont watch porn often but i do read doujin, which is like anime porn but like a comic book. and i used to think that i skipped all that damage that traditional porn supposedly does. when i started becoming sexually active, i realized id loose my erection and even my libido whenever something happened that i wasnt expecting. like, doujinshi gave me such a clean and paced idea of sex, that whenever a sound, a smell, a liquid, or just a change of pace or position occurred that i wasnt expecting, id go soft and get turned off. all this is to say, porn in any form is not representative of real life, its only damaging to compare real life to porn, and to minimize it as much as possible

  21. You know what’s a really popular demographic of porn? Amateur porn. People consume that because it’s more realistic, it’s more interesting often times. Those amateur porn makers don’t always have perfect bodies and that’s what people like. I hope this gave some perspective

  22. Maybe because that’s there job, it’s there job to look like that. Like any job done stride for perfection and I doubt being a porn star is any different that’s what they get paid to do

  23. They don’t. They have money to project to you what should be considered “perfect anatomy”. My wife is stunning. Absolutely gorgeous, but she isn’t rail thin (she does have breathtaking breasts and a big ol back yard). But most people would likely consider her to be fat, or worse. Especially after a kid. It’s absolutely pathetic how much fucking pressure women are put under to look a certain way in this fucking hell hole of a country. Here’s to my Thicc girls. You the real MVP’s.

  24. Maybe go research some ex porn stars that are in their 40s and 50s… that would probably cheer you up

  25. Because you’re TOLD they have ‘perfect’ anatomy BECAUSE they’re porn stars.

  26. Trust me, us guys understand that, it’s not real life. Just like women understand not all men have a 10” long 3” wide dick, while being 6’6”, with a 6 pack.

  27. One word: Casting

    Is the same for male and female, they choose the people to meet certain beauty standards according to the specific public target they want to sell their products.

  28. I’m just impressed that you’ve apparently reviewed your anus for aesthetics.

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