I met this amazing guy via OLD and have been seeing him for about 1.5 months now. He is totally different from all the guys I have dated, he is very good at communicating, takes care of me and is very accommodating. I am still not feeling the same like he does so strongly for me. I think he is very emotional and quiet obsessed with his dog which sometimes ticks me off. I was excited to see him, be with him prob 2 weeks ago but now I don’t find myself attracted to him even though he is a good looking guy.

Idk what to do, I feel I have always dated toxic men and for once I got a really nice guy which is not working for me? Never felt so confused in my life.

P.S I had a breakup in January and I thought I was going to marry that guy but he never gave me a reason and left.

1 comment
  1. Please be kind to this guy and break up with him. Things will not improve if you don’t feel anything in the beginning of the relationship. It should be the time when you have butterflies in your stomach.

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