If you’re having trouble attracting women it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to seriously work on your social value. Do you realize how bad that sounds? It just means you’re having trouble attracting women. Maybe it’s an easy fix. Maybe it’s not. But people can have lots of social value and have trouble attracting women. People can have 0 social value and have no problem attracting women. The two are definitely not the same

  1. Who’s arguing they’re the same thing exactly? I thought it was common knowledge that shitty dickheads who get laid still have little social value and that actual good guys exist that don’t get laid because they don’t have game.

  2. Sounds like watching those PUA vids aren’t helping and just making you more frustrated. Maybe it’s time to pivot?

  3. I think it’s an obvious sentiment to have but people like to over complicate things by making everything formulaic so of course this statement can be overlooked very easily especially with difficult experiences.

  4. Huh? What’s social value?

    Do you mean having social skills to talk to women?

  5. Because its a well known fact that women choose men without ambition who “just wanna be themselves” 😅

  6. Ha oh how the turn tables …. your value based on who likes/loves you rather than your abilities and qualities has been the fate of women for generations. I’m a Gen-Xer, too bad it’s a thing for men now.

  7. The problem comes while in a relationship, if you have no friends or impact on your community you become a leech to your partners friends and hobbies. If you are not mentally stable that can feel very intrusive.

  8. Social value definitely does make a difference to some women but like everything it’s subjective and some women dgaf.

    It’s certainly not the same thing, but it can and often is a contributing factor in attraction.

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