Where I live in Texas, it’s squirrels for days. You can always expect to see some on a walk. Do y’all get a similar situation? I’m not caught up on the European squirrel lore.

  1. I used to live near an urban Common and woods and saw squirrels pretty much every day, in inner London. Not so much now that I’ve moved to a more rural area!

  2. I’ve only ever seen squirrels during a trip in London, I don’t think they live in Sicily and even if they do the general lack of trees in our landscape means that they must be concentrated in few, very isolated areas.

  3. There are tons in our campus -I almost killed one on my bike the other day. They are very cute.

  4. In Germany, I see a lot of them in summers. Really cute. Sometimes, when I go hiking, their super speed startles me.

  5. The only ones I’ve seen in person were in London and in Ireland. They do live in Catalonia, but I guess I don’t live close to any wooded area they inhabit or go there that frequently.

  6. They’re rare enough that you would go “Look. A squirrel!” but not so rare that you would tell people when you get home that you saw one.

  7. When I lived in the SW UK I saw squirrels every day, anywhere with trees in a city there’s probably squirrels doing crazy squirrel things. Always grey squirrels.

    Now I live in South France in the woods. I have seen squirrels, they’re usually red squirrels, but they’re not as common. It’s a surprise to see them. I think I’ve seen more hares since living here.

  8. There’s nothing better than sitting in class when someone points out of the window and screams ‘Squirrel!’ and for tge next minute or so no progress is made in class. So yeah, i do see some squirrels in Germany!

  9. Yeah, they’re very common whereever there are trees. Our squirrels might look differently from yours, though. Ours are small and reddish, the ones I’ve seen in America so far are larger and grey.

  10. I have only seen one squirrel in the “wild” and that was when i visited the US, it was eating a nut on top of a tree in the middle of St.Luis.

    *I just found out that there are two species of squirrels in Greece, one that lives in the North (i live in the South) and an other one that only inhabits the island of Lesbos.

  11. I’ll see them at least once a week, but unfortunately it’s almost always those grey bastards rather than our native red squirrels.

  12. Yeah all the time in the park. They’re pretty fast and blend in with the woods quite well so can be hard to see.

    I like those fancy rats though

  13. I’m not sure about the north but at least in southern Finland there are plenty of squirrels both in the cities and in the countryside. The squirrels in Seurasaari museum island in Helsinki are famous for approaching visitors (hoping to receive some nuts although it is discouraged to feed them).

    My dog, who otherwise doesn’t really care about wild animals, is annoyed by squirrels so I tend to notice them 😀

  14. There are a few in a park nearby. The sad part is that the native red squirrels are dying. They are being slowly replaced by the north american gray squirrel. It’s due to an illness the grays are immune to that was imported when some idiot released gray squirrels in parks in Italy.

  15. When I used to live in Debrecen (2nd largest city) I had my apartment close to the forest. I saw squirrels almost every day.

    I’ve never seen one in Budapest, tho.

  16. Yeah, tons of them. I see some pretty much every time I’m in a park and sometimes there’s also one sitting on a tree in front of my office building.

  17. In urban parks you see them a lot, but I live more in the countryside and here you rarely spot one. I see deer and hawks and storks daily, as well as smaller birds and thanks to my cat mice. Often also herons, partridges, rabbits and swans, sometimes foxes, owls and pheasants. Not that I don’t see squirrels but most times really in urban areas.

  18. Very often but not daily. They are probably in all parks around. It is about a week I seen squirrel fighting with magpie over something. Or better say magpie bullying squirrel for something

  19. I used to see a lot of red squirrels in high school because we had a big park with lots of trees. I now live in a bigger city so I only occasionally see one. I’ve never seen a grey squirrel in France though but I’ve seen plenty in the UK.

  20. I live in a vry rural place, so yes. At least once a week, as we have some very old trees on our property they like. I hear them even more often.

    Back in the day, squirrel skins were used as kind of currency here, but since then they are very rarely hunted. I have no idea what one would even do with a squirrel skin.

  21. Having moved from the UK to Sweden, the sudden abundance of red squirrels in my life was an absolute delight for the first 4 years, I’m only just about getting to the point where they don’t shock me with their not being grey.

  22. There’s a definite difference in behaviour between our Anglo imported grey squirrels from America and the native reds you get on the Continent and which used to be widespread in England too until the greys wiped them out. Grey squirrels you see all the time in pretty much any kind of remotely green space and often come down to the ground, whereas red squirrels tend to be more confined to heavily wooded areas and more camouflaged against the trees so you don’t see them as much.

  23. From Texas. Have lived in Asia, Latin America, Europe, and 3 states in the US (not including Texas). There is nothing anywhere that has come close to the amount of squirrels I see in Suburban Texas.

    They don’t exist in the same quantity here, so people still find them endearing.

  24. Periodically. They live in the neighborhood. Near my house, the edge of a fairly large, by the standards of Moscow, forest area. But there are not so many of them that they would get caught all the time.

  25. I live in downtown of Helsinki and squirrels are not common in my nearest neighbourhood, brown hares are more common, I mean I just saw one when I looked out of the window. However if I’d go to the park couple km away I might see some squirrels and there is an island little bit further away (~4km) full of [tame squirrels.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDtYxG3h-n8) There are also [flying squirrels](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yBXgiN_YEKE) in Helsinki though I’ve never managed to see one.

    Squirrel lore:
    Finnish word for money – [*raha*](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/raha#Etymology_2) means originally a squirrel pelt as they were used for trading before coins and bills.
    (No, absolutely not we are not hunting squirrels anymore!)

  26. There are red squirrels in the trees outside my office window every day all year long, and in our garden, too. They can get from one end of the street to the other just leaping from tree to tree. It’s wonderful to see them. We put nuts out sometimes, but haven’t managed to get them to trust us enough to lure them into the house. A friend of mine has them eating out of her hand on her 3rd storey balcony in the centre of Hamburg. Lovely creatures!

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