None of the discussions and planning prior to the threesome prepared my gf and I for the amount of pubic hair on guy #2 aka my friend. As soon as we were all naked, my gf raised both her hands like she’s surrending to the cops and said she’s not gonna go anywhere near that jungle. My friend argued that pubic hair serves as protection for the penis area and is supposed to grow super thick. He pointed at my trimmed pubes and said “that is what happens when you watch too much porn” before bringing our attention back to his ungroomed bush and saying “this is what nature intended”. My gf eventually threatened to call off the threesome if my friend didn’t shave, which is where I had to come in and twist his arm or no one was gonna have sex. Long story short, he shaved. Why am I sharing this? A, I think it’s hilarious. B, to raise awareness about grooming below the belt. C, I’m sorry but I have to ask, is there any truth to the whole thick pubes adds more protection argument?

  1. Can’t even lie I wouldn’t be interested after no matter who I was in this situation šŸ˜‚

  2. >C, I’m sorry but I have to ask, is there any truth to the whole thick pubes adds more protection argument?

    Yeah, back when we ran around without pants on.

    Sperm lives best at a temperature slightly below body temperature (can’t be arsed to look it up), and your testicles ascend and descend to regulate that temperature, which also effects your penis. In colder climates having a thick pelt over that is also going to protect them from getting too cold.

    Also BPE (Before Pants Era), it’s going get matted and nasty, which is *also* going to be a bit of a barrier when you’re running naked through the forest/jungle.

    And in the beginning of the pants era it provides some barriers against friction and such from rough clothing.

    But we are in the Late Pants Era (LPE), wherein we also wear pants of finer material below our pants (aka “Underpants”), so both the friction and the mechanical protection issues are dealt with by technology.

    There’s a whole list of things “Nature Intended” that we either actively work against (for example, nature INTENDED that sex was for procreation. I’m guessing ole’ boy wasn’t going to argue against using a condom in this situation, now was he? Also see driving cars, flying in airplanes and using elevators instead of the stairs) .

  3. before bringing our attention back to his ungroomed bush and saying “this is what nature intended”

    Judd Apatow movie lol.

    Was it a really unusual amount? I would also be grossed out by that. I would argue trimming is a better solution than shaving. However at that point I would be so turned off that the entire idea would just go out the window.

  4. Iā€™dā€™ve preferred the hairy guy over the turkey skin guy, NGL.

  5. I mean, yes, hair is meant to keep microbes (especially harmful ones) out of our nether regions. The same way eyebrows and eyelashes and nose hair is there – to trap the bad stuff and prevent it from getting to the good stuff (source: Iā€™m literally a scientist) however the decision to grow, groom, trim, or shave the pubic area should be oneā€™s own choice made based on their preferences.

    My boyfriend is full bush and Iā€™m (F) fully shaved. Itā€™s what we as individuals prefer to do. Thatā€™s how it should be. Clearly your friend didnā€™t mind shaving too much and I hope the threesome ended up worth it for him and all involved šŸ™‚

  6. I don’t know what your friends situation was like, but pubic hair is natural. It’s one thing to choose not to have sex with someone because you don’t like the way they maintain their hair, another entirely to shame them for it and make them shave. I cannot imagine doing that to a partner. I would assume most people would just leave when given an ultimatum like that. Glad your friend has a good sense of humour and y’all were able to get it to work out.

  7. Wait are we talkin trim or clean shave? If you had my boy clean shaven than shame on you, thatā€™s an itch heā€™ll be feeling for weeks

  8. 40f here. I donā€™t mind pubic hair as long as it isnā€™t running rampant and causing me to cough up a hairball every time I go down there. He legitimately could have had too much for her.

  9. Doesn’t have to be completely shaved. But short, like a few mm is good. A lot of hair makes oral slightly unpleasant.

    However, preferences should have been discussed beforehand, don’t just assume everyone trims. I always ask guys to trim before we meet, they usually don’t have an issue with it.

    Hope your friend is ok with trimming?! Worth it for the fun you guys surely had! šŸ˜‰

  10. Just saying, this is partly on you for not discussing this prior. That dude has just as much of a right to keep his pubes as does your gf has a right to say ā€œno im not going to get a brazilian wax.ā€ The issue comes with you and your SO having a different set of grooming standards than this person, and you are incompatible on that end. Nobody is gross for it, nobody is ā€œbetterā€ or cleaner, just that you didnā€™t discuss it and they had no idea they were doing anything ā€œwrongā€ by their standards. Maybe next time actually communicate fully about sexual standards and see a picture of them nude before setting up a threesome, ya silly goose. And donā€™t shame people for having different views on body hair than you and your SOā€¦ thatā€™s a little rude and reddit would have a hayday if you did that to a woman.

  11. Unless his pubic area looked like Borat in a slingshot mankini, I think youā€™re fine.

  12. Surely it should be his choice, how would you feel if he tried to tell your wife how she should keep her body hair

  13. Yā€™all are so weird about hair. Itā€™s natural. Thereā€™s nothing dirty or wrong about hair or the natural human body. Yā€™all need to chill the fuck out and stop being so judgmental and brainwashed by the beauty industry. Itā€™s exhausting.

  14. Shaving before actually heightens your risk of contracting some STIs. Hair offers a mild barrier from STIs that transfer through skin to skin contact.

  15. As someone from the Woodstock generation, this is funny. People have only shaved these awful pubes in the recent past. Just think, no escaping pubes or no sex life. I get it that styles change, but really, hair canā€™t hurt you.

  16. People maintain their pubic hair in a vast variety of specifications and levels of maintenance. If there are specific preferences amongst any member of the experience, it might probably be a good time to acknowledge that beforehand. I’m glad it seems to have resolved itself.

    On the other hand, I find that I ‘shed’ a lot immediately after a trim. Traces of little bits of hair wind up anywhere my junk touches for the next few days, so I could only imagine where those tiny bits of after-trim hair end up after a threeway.

  17. Pubic and armpit hair works like a dry lubricant. Yes, thatā€™s a thing.

  18. Iā€™ve requested partners trim before because i get distracted by pubic hair in my throat. But I would never treat someone the way you and your gf treated your friend. She acted repulsed by him so that he had to defend his choices, and then you coerced him into shaving.

    Adults have adult conversations. If she was so concerned about his hair affecting her experience, she could have asked him to trim before sex because sheā€™d have a much more pleasant experience, and apologize and tell him sheā€™s not interested if he chose not to. Instead, yā€™all waited until he was worked up and not thinking clearly, put him on the defensive, and bullied him into shaving.

    The worst part is that you then come to Reddit to make fun of him and tell this ā€˜funnyā€™ story to remind people to shave? Hell naw.

    The only awareness you need to be giving is for people with strong preferences to discuss them prior to the session. People have various preferences. A shaved guy is one of my turn offs. Iā€™d prefer manageable over a bush to keep strays out of my mouth, but I will happily take a full bush over shaved. If i cared about it so strongly though- iā€™d have a conversation prior.

    To answer your question- youā€™re less likely to get stds if you donā€™t shave because shaving introduces microcuts. Itā€™s not necessarily what he was getting at, but a similar idea. And, it is natural.

  19. Why do they think its okay to “convince” anyone to change their appearance for sex. If their threesome partner was a woman this comment section would be insanely different

  20. if this was a post about a woman shaving or not, the comments would be full of “bodily autonomy”

  21. Gee… Just in the end you manage to ask a phony question to avoid breaking the rules of this subreddit, but the key message was not the question, you had to unload your story to the world.

  22. If gender roles were reversed you two shaming him for his body hair choices wouldnā€™t be so funny. If your GF has preferences let the partner know beforehand donā€™t put them in that situation. Itā€™s really rude tbh I guess dude was horny cause you GFā€™s repulsion would have been a turn off

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