Maybe I just haven’t met the right one but I can’t have sex with my girlfriend unless she’s fully showered and smelling super clean. Like she doesn’t stink or anything she doesn’t sweat or anything she works in an office job but I just feel disgusted having sex with her if she’s not super clean. Sometimes she gets upset when I don’t give in to sex and I think she kind of suspects something because she’s mentioned twice how she finds it odd that I wouldn’t have sex with her when she came home from work horny but I jumped on her soon as she took a shower… i’m the same way I don’t want nobody to touch me when I’m not fully fresh out the shower. Is there something wrong with me?

  1. Sounds a little OCD but sex is not a clean act and gets messy. I’d like to ask why is it necessary for your partner to be fresh out the shower clean for an activity that will result in both of you getting dirty? Maybe try shower sex? It’s also a vulnerable activity where you’re at your most vulnerable state.

  2. I mean, sex should be fun and spontaneous and needing her (or yourself) to be freshly showered kind of takes the spontaneity and excitement out of it, which would really bother me, if I was in her shoes.

    I wouldn’t say that there’s anything *wrong* with you per se, but I definitely do suggest trying to overcome this “requirement” as it will certainly have an impact on your relationship(s) at some point.

  3. A little science here might help. When you get horny your body shuts down the part of your brain that registers disgust. (Helped back in the day before the shower even existed lol).

    I understand your issue, and it doesn’t even have to be one unless she feels differently, but let’s assume she does. A possible solution could be letting her “warm up” your engine a little bit before expecting a move from you. Have her touch and kiss on you for a little before moving forward. Enough hormones could help you move past it.

    Maybe therapy. Maybe nothing you can do! That’s okay too! But there is science on your side here and see if you can use it to your advantage. GL OP.

  4. I understand you.

    If I ever made love to a girl and she smelled of body odour I’d turn off immediately. There are other smells too. But clean is beautiful. Why not open up to her and tell her?

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